Instructor Sidebar

Instructor Sidebar

Instructor Sidebar  


If the system Administrator has activated the new UI, the Instructor can enable the new UI for his/her user account (1).


To enable the new UI as the Administrator, review the steps in this guide.

While the new UI is active, the sidebar will be available on the left on all pages that the Instructor can visit and can be retracted or expanded. To view the sidebar as a different type of user, check here: Administrator and Learner.


The new sidebar  

The sidebar can be expanded or retracted from the top-left corner (1)


It can be used to access all of the Instructor’s main features quickly, such as enrolled Courses (2), Manage courses (3), Course catalog (4), Gradebook (5), Skill gap tests (6), Calendar (7), Messages (8), and Discussions (9).



Viewing messages  

You can quickly view messages and send a new message by accessing Messages (1). You will then view all incoming messages (2) and be able to send a new message (3).


Viewing Discussions  

To view course discussions, you need to access Discussions (1). You will then be able to view and access all available course discussions (2) or access the All discussions (3) page


Accessing your user options  

To access your user options, select your username (1) at the bottom of the sidebar. Here, you’ll find all your user-specific options, such as your user dashboard (2), profile (3), awarded certificates (4), skill gap tests (4), mapped accounts (7), and training history (8). You will also find the option to join a group with the group key (9).


Switching to a mapped account  

To quickly switch between your mapped accounts, select your username (1) at the bottom of the sidebar, click the mapped accounts icon (2), and select the account you want to switch


Logging out  

To log out of your account, select your username (1) at the bottom of the sidebar, and then click “Sign out (2).

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