Ιnstructor Led Training (ILT) is the training process that takes place under the guidance of a specific individual, on a predefined date and time.
Here are some Terminologies you should know.
- A Training Event is an entity that represents training that happens in the physical world.
- A Training Session represents the actual training.
- A Training Event can include multiple Training Sessions.
- For example, if the same training takes place in Kingston and Portmore, then you can set up one Training Event and two different Training Sessions. Users will then be able to select which location is suitable for them.
- A Lesson represents training that purely consists of e-learning content.
- A Course is a collection of lessons and/or training events. The user can buy/enroll to the course
Creating an ILT course
Step 1: Sign in as an administrator or Instructor, go to the Courses module and select 'ADD COURSE' (1)
Step 2: Fill out the form details
- Name: Name your course
- Category: Select an appropriate category
- Type: There are two-course types
- eLearning is a self-paced course
- Blended Learning allows you to add an Instructor-Led event at a scheduled date and time and invite users (YOU MUST SELECT BLENDED LEARNING)
- Short Description: a brief overview of what your course is about
- Show advanced settings: additional options to manage your course

Step 3: There are several advanced options that you can see and configure by clicking on 'Show Advanced Settings '.
- Course Code: select a short alphanumeric code for easy reference
- Options: some extra options for your course
- Active- check this box so to make the course active
- Enable Discussions - allow learners to comment on the course
- Show on Catalog - allows the course to be viewed on the Course Catalog
- Accredited - to assign accreditation to the course
- Assignment requires approval - check this option and users will have to be approved to do the course
- Automatically assign to new users - all new users on the branch will automatically get the course assigned to them
- Available for- to set for how many days an enrolled user has access to the course
- Upon expiration - select an action for users after the course expires
- Available from/until - to set the dates from/to the course is available to enrolled users
- CEUs - to set how many Continuing Education Units you want the course to offer
- Depends On - a rule to set if this course depends on other courses in the system
- Certification - select the certificate you want to add and how long it will last
- ADD - to complete and add the course

After creating the course, you will be directed to the course's dashboard tab and you will notice that a training event with the same name as the course, is automatically added.
Step 4: Click on the word 'EDIT' (1)
Step 5: Fill out the details below.
- Name your Training Session (1)
- Short Description of the session for learners to see. (2)
- Users may self-enroll/change session - do you want your learners to be able to enroll themselves or will you enroll them? (3)
Step 6: Add the actual session to the course by completing the form
- Name - what will you call your session
- Location - select from the drop-down list (choose the Video Conferencing tool that was integrated for your organization, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams)
- Date - selected date of the session
- Duration- how long will the session last, click and drag
- Maximum Seats - leave blank to have an unlimited amount of seats
- Registration ends - select this option to allow learners to register for the session and add an end date for registration
- Cancellation allowed until - add a final date for learners to cancel their registration if they self-enrolled
- Chain with - the session with which this one is connected, meaning that the users have to attend all of them
- ADD - to complete creation of the session.

REMEMBER: an event can have more than one sessions. In order to add another session to the same event, you have to follow these steps:
- Select Add Training Session
- Fill out the form with Training Session details
- Click ADD to save the session
After adding your sessions to the event and going back to the course dashboard, you will notice a tag next to the event, informing you in how many days/hours the first session starts. (1)
- In case that you want to add a new training event to your course, you have to click on the Content button again and then Go to the Lessons library
- Click on the arrow next to the Add Lesson button and click on the Add event option
- A pop-up will open and you will have to fill in the required information.
- After clicking Add, you are redirected to the course dashboard and you can now see the two events with the Event tag next to their title. Each one of them, has their own Content button that allows you to manage its Training Sessions.
Enriching Event with Assets
Usually, the trainer will want to share additional resources with the Event's learners, such as files, content, etc. You can do this by adding e-learning content to the course from the ADD CONTENT button. These will appear in the learner's dashboard just like they would if it were an eLearning-only Lesson.
The End.