An infographic report can be created, edited, and viewed only by Administrators. In this guide, we review how to create an infographic report.

Step 1: Creating a report

  1. To create an infographic report:
    Go to Home -> Reports (1) -> Infographics (2) and click Create (3).info_reports_rdy1.png
  2. Type in the report’s name and select if that report will be tied to a specific branch. If you select a branch, then you can choose whether the branch report will include the sub-branches, or if it will only display data for the selected branch.

After creating the report, proceed with adding sections to it.

Step 2: Adding sections

While in the Edit (1) view, select Add section (2).info_create_addSection_rdy.png

A pop-up appears, where you can set the:

  • Section Name (3).
  • Section’s Type (4).
  • Section’s Options (5).


There are currently 8 available section types.

Note: You can select up to 5 options in sections with multiple options.

Step 3: Viewing a report

The View tab displays all the sections of a report. Each section consists of the section’s name, and that section’s options.info_example_view_rdy.png

Step 4: Exporting a report

You can export the infographic report in the form of an image using the Export button (1), displayed on a report’s main view page.info_export1_rdy.png

Each section type allows different available options (or data items). Sections cannot have more than 5 enabled options.