One on One enables you to integrate your system with OpenSesame, allowing you to search for and deliver courses to your LMS. First, you can look for the course or bundle you want to migrate. Next, add it to your delivery list, which will then be synced to your LMS, making it accessible to your users.
Before syncing your courses, you first have to make sure that the main administrator's email address is the same as the one on the OpenSesame account you want to pull content from. To do that, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your LMS portal account as Administrator and go to Home > Courses.
2. Click Add from marketplace.
3. On the OpenSesame homepage, click on your profile icon (1) and, from the drop-down list, choose My Account (2).
4. Click Edit Profile (3).
5. On the profile page, you see the email connected to the current OpenSesame account (4). If it doesn't match the main administrator's email address of your LMS portal, change it and save your profile.
Now you're ready to sync your purchased courses back to your LMS portal.
Here's how:
1. Click on your profile icon and return to the My Account page.
2. Go to the Purchased courses tab to view all the courses you have purchased but not yet synced to your LMS. Click to sync them and wait for the confirmation message.