You must first log in as an Administrator
Step 1: Select 'Curricula'.
Step 2: 'Add Curriculum' from the dashboard.
Step 3: You then fill out the necessary fields.
In the 'Advanced Setting', you can add the cost for the courses in the curriculum and choose a templated.
You are also given the following options;
1. Active; The curriculum is ready for use
2. Automatically Assign to New Users; You may not want to select this, as it will enroll anyone you sign up after you complete the process.
3. Show on catalog; Do you want this curriculum to be available to the users in your institution?
4. Show on the main catalog; Do you want this curriculum to available to all learners on the platform?
Step 4: Select 'Add' to complete creating the curriculum.
When your curriculum is successfully added, you can edit the information.
Step 5: You will see different tabs, giving you options for the curriculum.
The 'Curriculum' tab gives you the option to edit the information you added when the curriculum was created.
Step 6: The 'Courses' tab is where you will assign the courses for this curriculum.
Step 7: The 'Users' tab is where you can manually enroll and see their status.
Step 8: The 'Branches' tab is where you will assign the curriculum to YOUR branch.
Step 9: The 'Rules' tab is responsible for how the curriculum is graded.
It can be an average of all the courses in the curriculum, you can choose specific courses or ONLY the mandatory courses.